When your teeth start to become loose or shift easily, it may be a sign of other oral health problems. If this is occurring, you must come in for an oral health evaluation as soon as possible. Dr. Trujillo can determine whether you have gum disease or other oral health problems that are causing inflamed gums and loose teeth.
Causes of Loose Teeth
Your teeth may become loose if you have untreated periodontal disease. They may also shift easily if you experience any type of injury to the mouth. An active infection in the mouth can cause loss of attachment and the teeth can be so loose that they eventually need to be extracted. Some health conditions increase your risk of developing periodontal disease.
Symptoms of Loose Teeth
Some of the common signs and symptoms of gum disease and loose teeth include:
• Inflamed gums
• Gum recession
• Pus building up around the teeth
• Food getting stuck between teeth
• Bleeding gumsThe early stages of gum disease are reversible and you need to have treatment as soon as you notice any symptoms, such as bad breath, loose teeth, or inflammation in the mouth. We offer a variety of treatment options including localized antibiotic therapy, scaling and root planing treatment, laser gum surgery, tooth extractions, and tooth replacement procedures.
Loose teeth are always a sign that something is not right in your mouth. For more information about treatment options for loose teeth,
schedule an appointment with Dr. Trujillo in Merced, CA today!